“Basappa Choultry”, is a small hamlet in the heart of Chikkaballapur town, which is approximately 56 kms of North Bengaluru, and there lived 65 families over 70 years as of now. The living condition of these people is not good with very low income as they work as domestic workers and daily wage earners, agricultural workers, ragpickers, and some without any earnings.

In the name of the Development, the community people have been evicted in spite of having proper documents by the Government with the assurances of rehabitation by constructing homes for proper living and enhancement of quality of life for them. They were shifted to remote place near Kandwara Village. People struggled hard for about 9 years with lost hopes and finally got sanctioned 4 acres of land which was worked through, AVAS (Association foe Voluntary Action and Service) a service organization registered as a trust in Bengaluru. Meanwhile the community people lost their means of livelihood after shifting near Kandwara due to distance, darkness and fear of reptiles and this situation forced them sadly to become ragpickers and beggars. Many of them have lost their valuable documents during the forcible eviction. 

Sometime ago, 12 toilets cum bathrooms were constructed on a temporary basis by the then DC.  After few years, these structures were ruined and the community people especially the young girls and women were facing challenges to relieve for their nature calls to resort to open defecation, walk long distance and difficulties faced during the night times.

RRK Foundation and AVAS, joined together to take up this Project and successfully completed the renovation of eight (8) toilets and four (4) bathrooms with the help of unstinted support from the local youths who executed the work voluntarily and also from other members of the every household in the community. All of them are very happy, use the basic amenities infrastructure and maintain the same as well.

Some feedback ......

Lakshmi, a physically handicapped lady says “all blessings of mine and every member of the community to AVAS and RRK Foundation for this great help. Now we women were safe, able to eat properly, sleep properly and peacefully going for earning”.

Parimala, a Second PUC educated lady, says ““I was very much scared to go to open field which is so far to answer my nature’s call in midnight. For that I have to wait longer time to mobilize other neighbouring shed girls for accompanying to avoid troubles from miscreants from adjacent villages and poisonous snakes and insects. Now I am very happily using these toilets in slum itself. It gives me peace of mind and time to do my household work and work in other houses as domestic help. All this is due to AVAS and RRK Foundation effort. That has given as lease of life.”

Imam  BI 53 years old living in this slum says” I am grateful to organizations who have helped us in restoring our dignity  and allowed us to live peacefully.”

Rama Krishnan