1. Karnataka State Council for Child Welfare The Foundation jointly with Karnataka State Council for Child Welfare supported a training programme for their42nd Batch of Balasevikas. This programme was started by Smt.Lokasundari, wife of the Nobel Laureate Sir.C.V.Raman, and is meant for young women from underprivileged backgrounds. It is a 10-month programme on child health and nutrition and pre-school education. On completion of the programme they are employed as Balasevikas and crèche teachers and in social work.
The programme was inaugurated by the former Chief Secretary Mr. A. Ravindra, along with the Trustees.
2. DWARAKA - Development of Kalamkari art skills in promising youth
The Trust, in its quest for fulfilling dreams and aspirations of artists and weavers who lived in utter poverty in Srilkalahasti, began their association with DWARAKA, an initiative of Dwaraknath Reddy Ramanarpanam Trust that focuses on supporting a socio-economic empowerment program for these needy artists and weavers. The Trust encouraged artists by paying them a monthly salary in lieu of designing different products such as bags, pouches, cushion, etc.
The support given by the Trust has contributed in strengthening DWARAKA’s existing linkages with design institutions. This in turn has helped in bringing in trained talent and infusing new ideas into the Kalamkari products.
Additional partnership and supports to DWARAKA:
- The support given by the Trust has contributed in strengthening DWARAKA’s existing linkages with design institutions. This in turn has helped in bringing in trained talent and infusing new ideas into the Kalamkari products.
- Sponsoring the college fees of the children of the weavers
- Supported the salary of the master craftsman at DWARAKA
- Purchase of a computer along with a scanner/Fax/printer for the training centre of DWARAKA. This has helped the artisan girls to develop new skills.
- Towards salaries of the personnel, for management and marketing of Kalamkari products and helping the cause of artisans development.
The Trust has extended financial support to its partner, CMCA for sponsorship and adoption of 4 CMCA Civic Clubs in 4 Government Schools for the academic year 2012-13. The four schools areGovernment Higher Primary School, Sanjeevininagar, (GHPS), GHS Hebbala, GHS Kodigehalli and GHS Yelahanka
CMCA’s vision is to nurture citizenship related to child rights and responsibilities, health and hygiene, education, local government and democracy, right to information, and environmental conservation.Some of the key initiatives of the Trust that support CMCA’s vision are:
Hebbala School - 78 children with two teachers and the CMCA volunteer visited the Sewage Water Treatment Plant, Hebbala Bangalore. The staff of BWSSB explained to the children how sewage water is treated and the objective of the treatment plant followed by discussions. This was an eye-opener for the children who promised to manage water carefully in the future. Using rights-based interventions we were able inspire and nurture these eager young citizens into change makers of tomorrow
School Profiling in Government High Schools - The School Profile in CMCA is a unique campus audit conducted by our civic club members. Thechildren made a map of the school with facts and information pertaining to water, greening, electricity,infrastructure etc. This project enabled our children to understand their surroundings better,appreciate the facilities and amenities provided to them and also empowered them to seek solutionsto issues they want to address by engaging and cooperating with adults around them!The entire project was then presented by the students to the management.
The Trust has partnered with Satya Foundation for Education and Art programmes driven by them.
Samruddha Gram Shikshana Project (Rural Education Project) for quality Preschool Education Anganwadis in Agrahara and Yelahanka Circle, North Bangalore and in 30 Government schools of Kodigehalli, Bytarayanapura and Agrahara Layout clusters.
The Trust has extended financial support to Drishi Art Foundation for sponsorship towards “Kalapoornima” for promoting art.
Other education and art programmes:
- Learning Library for Anganwadis - Agrahara circle has 22 anganwadis with more than 500 children. The Trust has supported kits and learning material as well astraining for the anganwadi workers to use these kits effectively.
- Math and English Programme -the Trust has focussed on procuringand providing Math kits and English kits. All teachers are trained to use the kits in these learning environments.
- The Trust has extended financial support to Drishi Art Foundation for sponsorship towards “Kalapoornima”, for promoting art.
The Trust has extended financial support to the partner Yuvalok Foundation towards “Threads of Life”, a vocational training centre. At this centre,22 women trainees are given a holistic, training in spoken English, tailoring, computers, numeracy, greeting card making, candle making, screen printing, health and hygiene and life skills. This empowers them to get jobs with a decent salary to support themselves and their families and to live a life of dignity and hope.